What does vascular lesion removal involve?

The therapy of Rosacea & Vascular Treatment Victoria BC eliminates red lesions quickly, safely, and comfortably and does not interrupt the person’s social or work life. It restores the blood vessels that resulted in the vascular lesion without hurting the surrounding tissues.

Why is it performed?

Vascular laser treatment is suggested for people with red vascular lesions on any region of the body, particularly on the legs, where they can cause more pain.Nevertheless, Rosacea&VascularTreatmentVictoria BC is furthermore suitable for facial lesions, such as facial telangiectasias, facial erythema, cherry angioma, and venous lakes, amongst others.

What does it involve?

Vascular laser treatment consists of using a laser or pulse of light that punches the skin and alters it into heat as it is soaked by the hemoglobin from the damaged blood vessels. This heat coagulates the vessels and facilitates their elimination. This technique, understood as selective photothermolysis, slowly decreases the size of vascular lesions and, hence, the associated pain (particularly in the legs), without influencing the rest of the skin.

During treatment, the professional will cover your eyes with protective goggles. The laser will then be used on the lesions, so you may feel a slight burning sensation. At the end of the therapy, you may see some redness in the treated area.

The treatment at COL Center consists of several sessions of roughly forty-five minutes each and you can start again your normal activities afterward. In some cases, nevertheless, a dressing may be crucial and you may be notified to rest. If the treatment is conducted on the face, biomass and creams are usually used to make it more comfortable for you.

Post-treatment care

The specialist will commonly advise using an anti-inflammatory cream to reduce discomfort or pain after vascular laser treatment. Some people furthermore require wearing compression stockings after treatment on the legs. The vastly significant thing is to avoid sun exposure and extremely warm places that would improve the body temperature significantly.


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